Why Music? Part 2...

Music makes me feel less alone in the mess.

-Brenè Brown

Do you like country music? Rap? Rock? Classical?

No matter which genre is your favorite, you’ve likely leaned on music to get you through a challenging time. It could be something as simple as blasting a favorite song in your car after a stressful day at work, or something as mournful as singing at a funeral.

Music is a source of comfort and connection for most of us around the world. It starts with the tradition of lullabies, and continues throughout of lives. It offers a sense of predictability through structured sound patterns and qualities, and can boost levels of “feel good” neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin) while decreasing stress hormones (such as cortisol).

Perhaps you’ve taken time to choose just the right song to start as you drive away from work, or simply changed the radio station to better suit your mood-either way, you’re already using music listening with intention! I love making Spotify playlists for specific moods and transitions to cope (and celebrate too).

There are MANY ways to use music for good-from music listening, music making, to music therapy and everything inbetween. Each has its own options and benefits!

How are you staying in tune with music? I’d love to hear how music helps you find comfort and connection! Let’s chat via email or a complimentary consultation.